Globeducate students celebrate outstanding IGCSE and A-Level results

Posted on 12th Sep 2024 in School News, Exam results, A levels, IGCSE

A Level and IGCSE results achieved by Globeducate schools following the British Education System in Summer 2024 continue to be cause for celebration as students outperformed the average UK achievements for the sixth consecutive year, and students completing these two stages of formal education did so with many other achievements beyond examination results. 

The story below highlights our students´ successes in the examination period - only one aspect of their incredible journeys with Globeducate schools. Globeducate schools also shared news about our student role models in our Globeducate Roll of Honour, and what has inspired them on their journeys to become global citizens who can shape the world. 

Globeducate, one of the world´s leading K12 education groups with 65+ premium bilingual and international schools in 11 countries, has schools teaching A-Levels, GCSEs and IGCSEs, the public examinations for the National Curriculum of England, in Cyprus, France, Portugal, Spain and the UK, with the group's Globeducate British International School (GBIS) cluster, PASCAL International Education in Cyprus, and some ICS Cluster schools recording excellent academic achievement.

Strong IGCSE results across the board 

Globeducate schools have reported grades consistently above the UK average for the past six years in both A* to A and A* to C grades, this year with all schools sitting significantly above the UK average of 21.8 per cent. 

As a group average, 34.9 per cent of students achieved A* to A, with these numbers reaching 55 per cent at Cambridge House British International School in Valencia, Spain, 46 per cent at Mougins British International School in France, and excellent results for St. George´s British International School, Bilbao, Spain (44%) and Stonar School, UK (41%). 

The story for the group's success at IGCSE A* to C grades is reflected in an average Globeducate level of 81.8 per cent exceeding the UK average of 67.6 per cent. Some schools across the group achieved A* to C grades of 95 per cent (Stonar School, UK), 93 per cent (Cambridge House British International School) and St. George's British International School, Spain (91 per cent). PASCAL Private School Lemesos, Mougins British International School and Boundary Oak School recorded A* to C scores of above 85 per cent.

A-Level high grades continue to rise 

A* to A grades at 34. 4 per cent, surpassing the UK average of 27.6 per cent, and A* to B at 55 per cent with the UK average sitting at 53.9 per cent. The A* to C grades across the group were comparable with the UK average, reaching over 73 per cent. 

Stonar School in the UK, Nobel Algarve British International School Lagoa, Portugal, and PASCAL Private School Larnaka all recorded students achieving A* to C grades by at least 10 per cent higher than the UK average at between 80 and 89 per cent.

Upward trend for highest grades 

In a year when more students than previously recorded achieved three A grades, and grades were high across the board, Globeducate's schools followed the trend with 49 per cent of students achieved A* to A grades at PASCAL Private School Larnaka and 40 per cent of students at Mougins British International School achieved these highest grades. 

PASCAL Private School Lefkosia in Cyprus and Cambridge House British International School in Valencia, Spain, also recorded a high number of students exceeding the UK average in achieving the highest grades possible at A Level.

Daniel Jones, Chief Education Officer for Globeducate said: “Congratulations to all Globeducate students receiving their results. This is the culmination of years of hard work for them and for everyone who supported them on their journey. A-Levels are highly trusted qualifications by higher education institutions and employers, and students can be confident that their results will be valued for years to come. In Globeducate schools delivering the A-Level curriculum, many of our students are multilingual and sit these examinations in a second or even third language, which makes these results all the more impressive. 

“Beyond the classroom and academic achievements, Globeducate students are committed to global citizenship and to shaping the world through sustainability education and through participation in international events and competitions that bring young minds together for a truly global experience. We see how the value of these experiences impact on success in examinations and give students an interesting and dynamic profile to present to future employers and universities. We wish our graduating students every success in their next steps.”