From home to school: how to help your child transition smoothly

Posted on 21st Jun 2023 in School News

The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) is an educational institution built upon the ethics of understanding transition, whether it be between countries, grades, departments, or campuses. Proven methods, using the guidance of experienced and insightful knowledge, focus on supporting and assisting students, parents, teachers, and community members in the transition process. ISKL believes that managing change requires a two-way partnership guided by developing confidence in ISKL’s educational and cultural philosophy. This enables a smooth transition and efficient navigation of pathways to lead to a brighter future.

No two stories are the same, as each transition is a unique and individual experience requiring attention and consideration of the finer details. Universal and comprehensive farewell strategies can and will support all future adventures. However, combined with ISKL‘s tried and tested approach ensures all participating individuals are armed with the knowledge and confidence to move their transition mindset forward positively. They will also be supported by an abundant toolbox with techniques and game plans that offer easy and comfortable guidance.

Acknowledging the ‘wellness’ factor of transitioning is a vital first step. It is said that “you can’t pour from an empty cup,”and it stands true that caring for others in the process requires a sense of caring for ourselves first. The more that adults can fill their own cups, the more that flows over to the younger generation. It simply equates to a ‘supply and demand’ philosophy whereby no individual’s theoretical cup is ever empty.

The next integral instrument to consider is that of ‘communication’ for which ISKL prides itself on a constant flow throughout the divisions and within their community. This component supports families, students, faculty, and staff members to transition effectively. It encourages a mindset shift to find closure, building upon the RAFT acronym as an essential tool that uses communication as the key focus:

  • R - Resolve any ongoing problems between family and friends
  • A - Acknowledge and affirm the importance of everybody in every relationship (family and friends)
  • F - Farewells are an important process of closure to those loved people and places
  • T - Think towards the destination with a positive forward-looking mindset whilst slowly getting acquainted and accustomed to your new surroundings and home.

For a younger audience, it may be more appropriate to communicate the SHIP acronym to them:

  • S - Saying sorry and I forgive you to unresolved incidences
  • H - Heartfelt gratitude to those loved ones around you
  • I - It is time to say ‘goodbye’
  • P - Plan for the new environment

‘Feelings’ are a close third in the ISKL spectrum of transition, which, regardless of circumstance, need to be heard and shared. Combined with communication, it is most important to encourage children to open up and feel comforted that they are a top priority; that their feelings are valid, whether negative, positive, or somewhere in between. Sharing the emotional experience helps control the transitional journey, accepting that everyone’s choices are as important as yours. This key element encourages a sense of connection and memories that enable a perception of comfort, security, and celebration to support the process of closure.

‘Closure’ is a final stage in transition but also one that is integral in the transition toolbox. Bidding farewell may be a challenging experience, but gaining strategies to deal with the move will affect and shape the appreciation of loss vs. gain in terms of old vs. new life. It is important to ensure children feel safe in what they are letting go, physically saying goodbye, and valuing what they will achieve in the unknown. Families are able to unite in a game of ‘last times,’ achieving a bucket list of adventures, building memories through photo books as well as writing their positive story. It all goes some way to supporting the understanding of the unique experiences that sit alongside a life of international culture.

ISKL believes that a strong partnership between parents and the school is the foundation for setting up the best learning environment and experience possible for students. Whether starting school for the first time or transitioning from another school, ISKL’s support framework and culture of care and empathy ensure both students and families feel at home from the moment they enrol.

Download the interactive e-book on transitional pathways today and discover how ISKL can support your family through this exciting time!