American Overseas School of Rome

Established in 1947, the American Overseas School of Rome has a tradition of providing a rigorous and well-rounded American-International education to Pre-K through Grade 12 students in a supportive environment.

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The leading global guide to international schools

Welcome to, where you will find details of more than 5,000 international schools across the world. Our aim is to help you choose the right international school for your child or, if you are an educator, to offer essential information on international schools (particularly if you are considering taking a job at an international school) and international education.

This website is partnered with our annual guidebook, John Catt's Guide to International Schools. Search results include basic details of international schools – including fees, pupil numbers, languages of instruction and curriculum – and full profiles of leading schools. You can search for international day and boarding schools, boys' schools, girls' schools, prep schools, senior schools and sixth forms; and also search by country and curriculum.

You can also read latest news and features from the international education sector and visit our country profiles section to read about national education systems. We also feature articles from international school students – and would welcome more submissions!

The number of international schools continues to grow apace. We select the international schools that appear on this site, and will continue to add reputable schools that meet our requirements. To be verified as an 'international school' requires at least one of the following:

a) offering a curriculum not of the school's host nation.

b) membership of, or accreditation by, an international school association, such as: 
Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)
British Schools in the Middle East (BSME)
Central & Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA)
Council of International Schools (CIS)
Council of British International Schools (COBIS)
East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS)
Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA)
International Schools Association (ISA)
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)

c) accepting international students (i.e. students from foreign countries).

At John Catt, we work with Ministries of Education; High Commissions, Embassies and Consulates; relocation agencies; and education consultants and agents to spread the word about the best international schools in this fast-growing sector.